Name of the Course that the Tutor will assist the student (please print)________________________________
The tutor, parent, and student must initial each item below and sign and date at the bottom:
1. The tutor will not help in any way on the Review Lessons or revisions on those lessons. Any form of help on the Review Lessons would be considered cheating. This includes checking the work before it is submitted.
2. The tutor is never to write to the teacher of the class using the submit forms in Whitmore School.
3. The tutor understands that the relationship between the student and the Whitmore School teacher(s) is important to the learning process. The tutor will not interfere with this relationship.
4. The tutor will not provide excessive help on lesson assignments. The student’s answers to lesson assignments will reflect the student’s own ability and knowledge.
Parent Signature _______________________________________________date_____________
Tutor Signature _______________________________________________date_____________
Student Signature ______________________________________________date____________